First, Morgan's creation. There was a little assistance with some things, but for the most part, it's all her design. The stamp is from a foam set that her brother brought home from school. The papers were from a pack purchased at a scrap yard sale at a local scrapbooking store.

Next is Joey's. He lost interest after cutting the pieces so I put it together for him. The front looked a little plain, so I chose a sentiment and framed it in white then pop dotted that over another piece of the lavender that was inked with the color used for the stamps. His stamps were a $1.00 set of clear stamps from Michael's.

Finally, my own. I used what was left after they made theirs and I'm pretty happy with it. The dark card stock is a scrap that I had from an LTC project. I'd stamped generic dragonflies onto it with bleach and just couldn't bring myself to throw it away.

I also did the inside of my card and there was even enough left over to add accents to the envelopes.
Great fun and we have three matching cards!

Next is Joey's. He lost interest after cutting the pieces so I put it together for him. The front looked a little plain, so I chose a sentiment and framed it in white then pop dotted that over another piece of the lavender that was inked with the color used for the stamps. His stamps were a $1.00 set of clear stamps from Michael's.

Finally, my own. I used what was left after they made theirs and I'm pretty happy with it. The dark card stock is a scrap that I had from an LTC project. I'd stamped generic dragonflies onto it with bleach and just couldn't bring myself to throw it away.

I also did the inside of my card and there was even enough left over to add accents to the envelopes.
Great fun and we have three matching cards!
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